The incident was reported on Monday night during Janmashtami festivities and a doctor at the hospital said around 29 patients were admitted to the hospital at 1 am with complaints of vomiting and anxiety.
In an unfortunate incident, over 50 people, including women and children, were admitted to hospital due to suspected food poisoning after consuming fritters made of buckwheat flour, officials said told news agency PTI on Tuesday. The incident was reported on Monday night during Janmashtami festivities.
"We had fritters made of buckwheat flour last night. After that I started vomiting and felt a burning sensation in the stomach," Priyanka, a teenager admitted to the government hospital, told PTI.
Parkham Singh, a resident of Parkham village who had come with a patient, said after consuming the fritters people started complaining about dizziness, vomiting and shivering. "The kuttu ka atta (buckwheat flour) was purchased from a local shop in the village," he said.
Around 50 people from my village have fallen ill, he added.
"My wife is unable to stand, she has become very weak, almost unconscious," Mahesh, another resident of the village, told PTI Videos.
A doctor at the hospital said around 29 patients were admitted t 1 am with complaints of vomiting and anxiety. "I have been informed that some other patients have been taken to different hospitals. All those admitted are undergoing treatment, their condition is stable and improving," the doctor said.