Amidst the ongoing political turmoil in Uttar P{radesh, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath is in full action. After losing many seats in the Lok Sabha elections, CM Yogi is now holding a series of meetings before the by-elections. In the recently concluded meeting the BJP was reduced to 33 seats, a drop of 29 seats from 2019. The INDIA bloc gained ground with the Samajwadi Party (SP) securing a win on 37 seats, a jump of 32 seats as compared to 2019, and the Congress winning on six seats.
However, the Deputy CMs are missing from CM Yogi's meetings raising many eyebrows. Both the Deputy CMs are seen distancing themselves from CM's meetings one after the other. On one hand, while Deputy CM Keshav Prasad Maurya was absent from the Prayagraj division meeting yesterday, Deputy CM Brajesh Pathak did not attend the Lucknow division meeting today.
CM Yogi was going to hold a meeting with the MLAs of Lucknow division today. Just before his meeting, deputy CM Brajesh Pathak left for Delhi. Pathak is also an MLA from Lucknow Cantt and is also the Deputy CM in the Yogi government.
Back-to-back meetings
CM Yogi has been holding a series of meetings. In this sequence, on July 24, he held a meeting with the MLAs of Moradabad and Bareilly division. Yesterday, on July 25, he held a meeting with the MLAs of Meerut and Prayagraj division, after which today the meeting is going on with the MLAs of Lucknow division. Yesterday, while Keshav Prasad Maurya was absent from the Prayagraj division meeting, today Brajesh Pathak has distanced himself from the Lucknow division meeting.