In another tragic hit-and-run incident in Maharashtra, a 23-year-old man lost his life after being struck by an unidentified vehicle in Nagpur city. The victim has been identified as Rahul Khairwar, a native of Madhya Pradesh, as stated by the official. The fatal accident occurred at around 11:20 PM on Sunday along the Katol Road bypass, according to the officer in charge at Gittikhadan police station. He further stated that there were no CCTV cameras in the vicinity to capture the incident.
A case has been registered against an unidentified person and an investigation is on into it, he said. On February 25, a woman drove her Mercedes car recklessly allegedly under the influence of alcohol and crashed into two men travelling on a scooter on Ram Jhula bridge in Nagpur. Both riders died after the crash. The woman surrendered before police on July 1, more than four months after the crash, and was subsequently placed under arrest.
Recent cases of hit-and-run
On July 2, a court here ordered her release, terming her arrest in the case unlawful. On Sunday, a woman was killed in Mumbai's Worli area after a BMW car hit a two-wheeler on which she was travelling and dragged her for 1.5 km, police earlier said. She was later run over by the car before the two vehicle occupants fled. Two persons have been arrested in connection with the incident while a search was on for the main accused, according to police.
Worli hit-and-run case
Meanwhile, Mumbai Police has issued a lookout notice against the prime accused in connection with the Worli hit-and-run case that took place in Mumbai on Sunday. The main accused has been identified as Mihir Shah. The incident occurred when a BMW car struck a bike, resulting in the death of a woman travelling with her husband. Mihir Shah has been absconding since the incident, and the police have formed a total of six teams to nab the accused.