Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Thursday issued orders to officials to inspect and audit bridges, and flyovers across the state that are over 50 years old and stop the movement of traffic immediately if they are found unsafe.
The Chief Minister also reviewed the projects of the Public Works Department and said there should be no compromise on quality and timeliness. Be it road or bridge construction, check public importance, and requirements before approval.
He further informed that at least 9-km roads are being widened or strengthened while 11-km of new roads are being built in villages every day.
The chief minister has instructed officials to get roads falling on the 'Kanwar Yatra' repaired immediately. The work of two-laning roads leading to block headquarters should be completed as soon as possible.
Chief Minister has directed that more than half of roads in other districts should be built with FDR technology.
Chief Minister emphasized on timeliness and quality of projects and added that the date of start and completion of work should be decided along with the DPR.
He advised officials to adopt innovation and connect with institutions like IIT.
UP government's move has come after several bridges in the neighbouring state Bihar including those that have been built or were under construction collapsed in the past few weeks.