Life in Delhi came to a halt on Wednesday as a severe rainstorm brought the national capital to a standstill. The torrential downpour, which began last evening and was accompanied by strong winds and lightning, resulted in waterlogged streets, flooded residences, and significant traffic disruptions. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) issued a "red alert" later in the day, and schools in Delhi will be closed today, August 1.
Despite Delhi residents enduring waterlogged streets, inflated cab fares, and water seeping into their homes, social media was inundated with reactions. Many criticised the city's infrastructure, sharing images of the severe waterlogging that followed a brief period of heavy rain.
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Image Source : XDelhi turns into a swimming pool after heavy rainfall
Life in Delhi came to a halt on Wednesday as a severe rainstorm brought the national capital to a standstill. The torrential downpour, which began last evening and was accompanied by strong winds and lightning, resulted in waterlogged streets, flooded residences, and significant traffic disruptions. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) issued a "red alert" later in the day, and schools in Delhi will be closed today, August 1.
An X user Yasmin Kidwai wrote, “South Delhi - ring road all traffic blocked within two mins of rain -there is NO Drainage in Delhi.
Another person shared footage of a staircase that had become a waterfall and wrote, “Just 20 mins of rain in Delhi today and look how Karol Bagh is already screwed.”
A photo of the submerged Press Club, located just a short distance from Parliament, has also gained widespread attention online.
Delhi Mayor Shelly Oberoi's statement promising to address any waterlogging issues received a lot of sarcastic replies. One person commented, "Any water-logging you just said?? What a joke madam!! Whole Delhi is a pool right now."
The India Meteorological Department (IMD) reported that clouds had gathered over Delhi from all sides, leading them to advise residents to limit travel unless absolutely necessary.