The Special Investigation Team (SIT) on Tuesday submitted its report to the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath in connection with the Hathras tragedy which claimed the lives of 121 people on July 2. The team has attributed overcrowding as the primary cause behind the tragic event. Earlier on Monday, the the detailed investigation report was submitted to the administration by ADG Agra Zone and Commissioner Aligarh. According to sources, action may be taken against officers and employees found guilty following the examination of the report. They said the local administration could also face repercussions for failing to manage the crowd properly.
The SIT, led by ADG Agra Zone Anupam Kulshrestha and Commissioner Aligarh Chaitra B., recorded statements from approximately 150 individuals, including government employees and the victim's family members. The CM had demanded the report within 24 hours of the incident. However, the two-member committee took six days to complete their report.
The investigation also covered the compliance with the event's conditions, highlighting the local administration's responsibility for not making adequate arrangements despite the large crowd. According to sources, the two-member committee found the organisers guilty of the incident. It has also been revealed that there were insufficient crowd management measures, which, if properly implemented, could have significantly reduced the death toll.
Report has no mention of Bhole Baba's fault
Notably, the report does not currently mention any fault of self-styled godman Surajpal alias Narayan Sakar Hari alias 'Bhole Baba'. Meanwhile, the judicial commission set up by the Uttar Pradesh government will speak to anyone required for its inquiry into the incident, a probe panel member said. The commission will also issue a public notice soon, asking local people and witnesses of the tragic incident to share any evidence related to the stampede, along with their statement, another member and chairperson of the panel retired Allahabad High Court judge Brijesh Kumar Shrivastava told reporters in Hathras.
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