Indian Railways has taken special measures to assist approximately 3,000 people returning home following a tragic stampede at a religious event in Uttar Pradesh's Hathras, claiming the lives of 121 people. In response to ensure passenger safety, a speed limit of 15 kmph has been imposed for trains passing through Sikandar Rau station, as stated by the railway ministry. Additionally, several train services, including the Mathura-Tanakpur Fair Special, Agra Fort-Kasganj Passenger Special, and Bandra Terminus Antyodaya Express, have been granted additional stops at Sikandar Rau station and other designated stations along their routes, facilitating convenience for passengers.
"The Senior Divisional Commercial Manager and Senior Divisional Security Commissioner are present at the site along with the other officers of the division. A medical team under the supervision of Dr Saurabh Dandiyal has been set up at the site for such passengers who need first-aid treatment or any sort of medical intervention," the ministry said in a statement on Tuesday night.
Railways to run special trains towards Sikandar Rau Station
The Ministry said water and food packets have been made available to all the people waiting at the station. "We have kept three empty coaches ready at Kasganj station to move as special trains towards Sikandar Rau Station if needed," the ministry added.
Meanwhile, Uttar Pradesh Police has registered an FIR against the organisers, accusing them of hiding evidence and flouting conditions with 2.5 lakh people gathering for the event in which only 80,000 were permitted. While the state police lodged an FIR against the organisers, the congregation or 'satsang' conductor Jagat Guru Saakar Vishwahari's name does not figure in the list of accused in the FIR though his name is in the complaint. The FIR alleged that the organisers hid the actual number of devotees coming to the 'satsang' while seeking permission, did not cooperate in traffic management and hid evidence after the stampede, which broke out after people gathered there stopped to collect mud from the way the baba's vehicle was passing.