Former principal of RG Kar Medical College and Hospital Sandip Ghosh has arrived at the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) office for the eighth consecutive day for questioning. So far, Ghosh has undergone 88 hours of interrogation by the CBI as part of an ongoing investigation into the rape and murder of a trainee doctor at the hospital.
CBI gets court nod to conduct polygraph tests on ex-principal Sandip Ghosh, 4 doctors
Meanwhile, in a significant development today, the CBI will also initiate polygraph tests for Sandip Ghosh and four other doctors involved in the case. The polygraph test, commonly known as a lie detector test, is expected to provide further insights into the investigation.
Significantly, the development comes, after the Kolkata court on Thursday granted the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) permission to conduct polygraph tests on the former principal of RG Kar Medical College Sandip Ghosh along with four other doctors who were on duty on the date of the incident,. Earlier in the day, the CBI had took them, to a special court to seek its permission to conduct the lie detection test on them.