Moments after the Supreme Court announced its verdict on the bail granted to AAP leader Manish Sisodia in the Excise Policy irregularities case, leaders across the Aam Aadmi Party on Friday (August 8) expressed their relief, stating that the prayers of the people of Delhi had finally been answered and that the 'father of the education revolution' would be released from jail after 1.5 years.
'The whole country is happy today'
Significantly, while AAP leader Sanjay Singh hailed the apex court's decision as a great relief to the Aam Aadmi Party and the people of Delhi, AAP's another Rajya Sabha MP Raghav Chadha, remarked that Manish Sisodia's only crime was that he gave a better future to the children of the poor.
Meanwhile, AAP leader and Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Sisodia's release said, the former Delhi Deputy Chief Minister's bail order justifies victory of truth.