In a tragic incident reported from Uttar Pradesh's Noida, a fire broke out in a slum in Sector 8, resulting in severe burns to five members of a same family. At the time of the fire, all five family members were asleep in the house. This incident claimed the lives of three minor sisters who were sleeping. Their parents also sustained burns in the fire, as per the information.
Noida District Magistrate Manish Verma has informed that the father of the girls has suffered burns over 60-70 per cent of his body. He was initially treated at the district hospital and later referred to Safdarjung Hospital. The girls' mother sustained minor injuries and received initial treatment as well.
Short circuit said to be cause of fire
The District Magistrate stated that the fire broke out between 3-4 AM. Upon receiving the information, police teams, the fire brigade, and the District Magistrate immediately rushed to the scene. Preliminary reports suggest that the fire was caused by a short circuit. A forensic team is present at the site and is conducting an investigation, the DM added.
More details are awaited.