Hours after the gruesome murder of Vikassheel Insaan Party (VIP) chief Mukesh Sahani's father on Monday night, a Special Investigation Team (SIT) has been constituted by Bihar's Darbhanga Police to ensure a thorough and swift investigation into the matter. According to police, senior officials are currently camping at the scene to oversee the investigation process. Additionally, a team from the Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) has been summoned to the location to collect critical evidence. Meanwhile, the Bihar Police have assured that every necessary step is being taken to solve the case and bring the perpetrators to justice.
What did Darbhanga Police said?
Darbhanga Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Jagunath Reddy said a team of senior officers have reached the spot and are investigating the matter. "This morning the police got to know about the murder of Jitan Sahani the father of Mukesh Sahani at his home in Supaul Bazaar. Officials from the Birol Police station including the SHO rushed to the spot. The police have formed an investigation team led by the SP of Darbhanga Rural Police. The team also has the SHO of Birol police station as its part to enable a speedy investigation," said a statement from the Darbhanga Police.
"SIT has been formed for quick investigation in the murder case under Ghanshyampur police station of Darbhanga district. Senior officials are camping at the incident site. The FSL team has been called to the spot to collect scientific evidence. Law and order is normal, " said the Bihar Police in a post on X.