The Mumbai Police on Monday arrested two people after a dead body was found in their bag at Dadar railway station in Mumbai. They were carrying the body in a suitcase on the train after committing the murder. During the early hours of Monday, the Railway Protection Force (RPF) and the Government Railway Police (GRP) were conducting a luggage-checking operation when they found a body inside the suitcase.
After the interrogation, it was disclosed that the murder took place in the Pydhunie Police Station jurisdiction. As per the police, the victim and the accused had a dispute over a female friend. The suspects, identified as Jai Praveen Chavda and his accomplice Shivjeet Surendra Singh, were involved in the murder of Arshad Ali Sheikh. Arshad was a resident of Mumbai's Santacruz. The accused murdered Arshad on Sunday night and planned to travel by Tutari Express train to dispose of the body, the police said.
Suspects, victim, all hearing-speech impaired
Dadar Railway Police has registered a case and arrested one of the suspects at the railway station. The other suspect fled the scene but was later arrested in Ulhasnagar. Both the suspects and the victim are deaf and speech impaired and communicate using sign language. The police enlisted a sign language expert during the interrogation by which the motive for the murder was clarified.
The prime suspect had a fight with the deceased over a female friend. Later, the suspect invited the victim to his house party where the argument broke out again. Eventually, the argument escalated to the point of murder. The police said that the body was completely wrapped in plastic and was packed in a suitcase adding that further investigation is underway, and more details are awaited.