Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday chaired the parliamentary party meeting of the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) at Parliament premises in New Delhi. This also marked his first meeting with MPs of the ruling coalition during the first session of Parliament since he began his third term in office. While PM Modi has spoken to the NDA MPs on various occasions in the past, particularly when he was chosen as their leader before each of his terms, it was more customary for him to address the meetings of NDA MPs during parliamentary sessions.
During the meeting, the Prime Minister said that every MP should visit 'PM sangrahalaya' along with his family. "MPs conduct should be in a way that they put the issues in their constituency effectively. Develop expertise in issues that you have an interest and could be taken up in Parliament. Follow the Parliamentary democracy system," he added.
Kiren Rijiju speaks to media after meeting
After the NDA Parliamentary party meeting, Parliamentary Affairs Minister Kiren Rijiju said that the Prime Minister gave a very important 'mantra' to all MPs. "He said that every MP has been elected to the House to serve the nation. Irrespective of the party they belong to, service to the nation is our first responsibility. Every NDA MP has to work by prioritising the country, this is what the PM urged. Secondly, the PM guided us well regarding the conduct of MPs. He said that every MP should present the matters of their constituency in the House very well as per rules. He also told us to develop expertise in other major issues of interest - be it water, environment, or social area. So, PM told us to develop expertise in those areas. PM urged NDA MPs to follow the rules of the Parliament, the Parliamentary democracy system and conduct which is essential to becoming a good MP... I think this guidance by the PM is a good mantra for all MPs, especially first-time MPs...We have decided to follow this mantra." Rijiju added.
BJP notified allies for crucial meeting
Official sources said all members of Parliament of the BJP and its allies were notified about Tuesday’s meeting and asked to attend it. The development assumes significance as the BJP, for the first time since 2014, has lost the majority in the Lok Sabha in the recently-held polls and depends on its allies for the government’s continuation. The NDA meeting comes amid discussions going on in the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha on the Motion of Thanks to President Droupadi Murmu’s address to a joint sitting of Parliament.
PM Modi to respond to debate on Motion of Thanks
Prime Minister Modi is also likely to respond on Tuesday evening to the debate on the Motion of Thanks on the President's address. The 16-hour debate in Lok Sabha commenced on Monday morning. The debate is likely to conclude on Tuesday evening, following which Modi would respond, the sources said. The debate on the Motion of Thanks could not begin on Friday due to repeated disruptions caused by the opposition over the NEET exam paper leak issue.
Congress seeks response from PM on NEET, Agniveer
On Monday, the Congress accused the BJP of "distorting" Rahul Gandhi's speech in the Lok Sabha to allege that he insulted Hindus, saying the ruling party will not be able to sell falsehoods and will have to answer on issues such as medical entrance exam NEET and Agniveer. In a fiery session of the Lok Sabha on Monday, Leader of the Opposition Rahul Gandhi launched a blistering attack on the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), accusing its leadership of fostering "communal divisions". His speech provoked strong reactions from the treasury benches. Prime Minister Narendra Modi also responded to Gandhi’s accusations by condemning him for allegedly branding the entire Hindu community as violent.