Vicky Kaushal, Tripti Dimri and Amy Virk's 'Bad News' has been released in theatres on Friday, July 19. After the film trailer, fans were very excited about Anand Tiwari's directorial. This excitement for the film is not only shown in the booking but also the collection. The film had earned Rs 3.71 crore from selling 93,924 tickets for the first day of release. Now that the film has been released in theatres, it has received a very positive response from the audience in the first three days.
Bad Newz Box Office Report
According to Sacnilk, 'Bad News earned 8.3 crores on the first day of its release. And now the figures for the second day have also been released. Beating the first-day record, the film earned 10.25 crore on its first Saturday. And the film earned 11 crores on its first Sunday. The total collection of the film at this point is 29.55 crores.
It is significant to note that the film has been made with a budget of 80 crores. 'Bad News' has become the biggest opener of Vicky Kaushal's career with earnings of 8.50 crores. Earlier, Vicky's 'Uri: The Surgical Strike' had collected 8.20 crores.
Despite competition from many films, Bad News had a good opening
Let us tell you that these days Akshay Kumar's 'Sarfira', Kamal Haasan's 'Indian 3' and 'Kalki 2898' which has been a hit for three weeks are also holding their ground in the theatres. However, amidst the crowd of these films, 'Bad News' has been liked by the audience due to which the film has had a good opening. Looking at the response received by the film, it seems that it can earn up to 30 crores in the first week. In such a situation, this film of Vicky is making chances of becoming a hit.
Bad News is the spiritual sequel of Akshay Kumar starrer Good News. The lifetime collection of Good News was Rs 201.14 crore and this film was a hit at the box office. Now it is expected from the Vicky Kaushal starrer that 'Bad News' will also perform like its prequel at the box office.